Listed below are a few of the benefits of massage in relationship to specific ailments:
Listed below are a few of the benefits of massage in relationship to specific ailments:
Click here for AMTA's 25 Reasons to get a massage
Stress reduction- Experts es​timate 90% of disease is stress related. Reducing stress through massage means better sleep, concentration, increased energy and decrease anxiety.
Back Pain- Back pain is one of the leading causes for missed work days.
Enhanced immunity- Massage stimulates lymph flow
Increased joint mobility and flexibility
Reduction of spasms and cramping
Assistance to athletes, pre and post workouts/events
Reduction of scar tissue, post surgery adhesions and swelling
Relief of tension and migraine headaches
Decrease and elimination of pain and tightness from tired, overused muscles
Release of endorphins
Pain relief
Poor postural patterns
Pain in joints, fibromyalgia, sciatica, golfer and tennis elbow, weak joints, chronic pain, shin splints, thoracic outlet syndrome, frozen shoulder, knee pain, tendinitis, plantar fascitis and many more................
Monthly article pertaining to Massage
Efficacy of Massage Therapy for a Variety of Health Issues